Tuesday 18 June 2013

Discovery Time!

On Monday afternoons, we go to Room 12 with rooms 2, 4, 5 and 8 for our Discovery time. This is where we discover lots of new things through dressing up, cooking, woodwork, science, art, and more.

Here are a few pictures of us discovering and below is what we wrote about our pictures:

Max wrote "At Discovery I dressed up as a vampire.
Kisione wrote "At Discovery I dressed up like a girl"
'Alani wrote "When it was discovery i dressed up like a clown and Mr Smith took a photo of me as a clown and it made me feel happy"
Angelina wrote "At Discovery i done dressup with Cheyler and Angelina and it was fun because i done dressup with Cheyler and me"
And finally, Cheyler wrote "At Discovery I was holding the basket and Angelina was pushing the pram"
We really enjoy Discovery, as it is a great time to learn new things.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

For our handwriting this term, we have been using play dough to shape our letters. This has been a good way for us to not just see how we write our letters, but to also feel how the letters are shaped. We have had lots of fun doing this. Here are some photos of us and our play dough letters:

Tuakana Teina with Room Toru

We have been having lots of fun with our Tuakana in our buddy class Room Toru going to the library, learning ball skills,  writing, reading, and many other cool activities. On the Wednesday before Easter, we came into our class after lunch to find an Easter egg in a basket and a card from our Tuakana, so we did the same thing for them, and we had lots of fun.